Vortex Dissolved Air Flotation

Vortex Dissolved Air Flotation System, vDAF

Making the smallest air bubbles
In most numbers

- Generation of micro bubbles using spiral vortex and air generating nozzles

- Bubble average size diameter below 25㎛, number concentration above 100,000ea/mL (Verified by Korea Institue of Machinery & Materials(KIMM))

- Verified by the Korean government, “Excellent Performance Certification” No. 27-422

WHY Micro bubbles?

- Smaller the bubble size, the smallest suspended solids in the wastewater can be floated and removed
- More chance to attach to solids, resulting in minimized chemicals injection

*Data from B livestock wastewater treatment plant advanced treatment equipment retrofitting project

(Click to enlarge)

Conventional Method by diffuser(bigger than 100µm)

Micro-bubbles by Vortex (Under 25µm)


Reuse of sewage

Make-up water of streams / irrigation water

Retrofitting dissolved air flotation(DAF)

Livestock manure/sewage/wastewater


Proven SS Removal

Microbubble density 5 times more than conventional DAF
Minimizing sludge loss

- By colliding high density air dissolved water, generated micro bubbles remove the smallest suspended solids in the wastewater

- Dense bubble bed creation, minimizing re-sinking and loss of the floated sludge

Highly Economical

Best energy efficiency, reducing energy usage max 60%
150% increased capacity compared to conventional reactor

- Minimized power supply to produce air bubbles

- Sludge volume reduced 30%, resulting in less sludge treatment fee

- Increased capacity resulting in less opeartion cost

Power consumption Analysis compared to conventional technology N(More than 55% reduction)
Example reference of increased capacity(D livestock wastewater treatment plant retrofit)
(Before) Capacity : 6.5㎥/hr
Operation time : 24.0hr/d
(After) Capacity : 9.5㎥/hr
Operation time : 16.4hr/d

Optimum Models per Applications


Dissolved air flotation
using micro bubbles

High flotation efficiency and treatment time with micro bubbles attached to pollutants

- Sewage/wastewater(pretreatment, advanced treatment)

- Sewage phosphorus removal

- Leachate treatment


Dissolved air flotation and advanced oxidization by ozone in one process

Treating turbidity, total phosphorus(T-P) above 90% and total E. coli 100%

- Livestock wastewater advanced treatment

- Sewage reuse(Irrigation water)

- Non-degradable wastewater treatment


High density air dissolved water&
microbubble generating system

Dissolving equipment and specialized nozzles to generate micro bubbles in short time

- Retrofitting conventional DAF

- Aquaculture

- Hydroponics