The right to water and sanitation for everyone

Tomorrow Water Project

Critical Challenges Driving Transformation



Wastewater Treatment/Reuse


Renewable Energy

Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Industry 4.0 Paradigm Shift

IT Infrastructure

Tomorrow Water Project

From COST Stream To PROFIT Stream

Tomorrow Water Project (TWP) aimed at countries near the equator and developed to combine twp   (tomorrow water process) and Co-Flow Campus at sewage treatment plants.

TWP is an example of new way of doing environmental business pursuing impact leadership and business strategy implementation simultaneously.

TWP dramatically reduces energy costs for wastewater treatment and data centers, while producing renewable energy all while contributing to UNSDG’s 6 (Clean Water & Sanitation), 7 (Clean Energy), 9 (Infrastructure), and 13 (Climate Action).

Leave no one behind

2.2 billion people still do not receive stable drinking water services, and 4.2 billion people do not receive safe sanitation services through sewage treatment.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, hygiene and clean water supply for the prevention and control of disease spread is more emphasized, and efforts for economical and safe sewage treatment are urgently required.

In order to solve the problems of hygiene and clean water, effective and economical solutions and innovations in the value chain that actually implement them are also very important. The traditional design → construction → operation of the value chain is also a reason to be concerned about securing the economics of the value chain.

Tomorrow Water intends to contribute to the 4th Industrial Revolution and to close the gap in response to climate change by expanding the ‘right for everyone to enjoy clean water', leading the innovation of global sewage treatment technology.



Mainstream AMX-based Sewage Treatment Process



Integrated Upstream Process

BKT’s Integrated Upstream Solution(IUP) applied,

for sludge volume reduction, energy production

Construction of a new STP in Daejeon

103, Geumgo-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon

Daejeon STP project

  • Reduction of sludge volume

  • Increasing biogas production

  • Saving operation cost

Item Current STP New STP
Sewage treatment Capacity Q = 900,000 ㎥/d Q = 650,000 ㎥/d
Site area A = 404,334 ㎡ A = 141,861 ㎡
Purification of excreta Capacity Q = 900㎥/d Q = 900㎥/d
Site area A = 15,510㎡ Include in STP
카드뉴스/기타 L = 10.9km

Advisory Board

Meet the Industry Experts Leading the Tomorrow Water Project

Dr. Joh Kang

-Chairman of Tomorrow Water Project Advisory Board
-President and Founder, Water & Energy Advisors, LLC
-Former Research Director & Partner at McNamee, Porter & Seeley (now Tetra Tech)

Professor Jeanette Brown

-Professor, Manhattan College
-Former President of WEF (Water & -Environment Federation)
-Former Chairperson of American Society of Civil Engineers/Environment
-Former Chairperson of Water Resources Institute

Dr. Sandeep Sathyamoorthy

-Process & Innovation Leader at Black & Veatch

Anthony Dusovic

-COO of Tomorrow Water
-Former CEO of Ozonia Americas
-Launched United Water Federal Services(a Division of Suez)

Dr. Paul O’Callaghan

-CEO of Bluetech Research
-Executive Producer of “Brave Blue World”

Dr. Joan B. Rose

-Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research, Michigan State University
-Stockholm Water Prize Laureate
-Former Chairperson of Drinking Water Committee (USEPA Science Advisory Board )